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Countdown to April 6th
2024/04/06 00:00:00


What’s Your Favorite?  April 6, 2024

New Beer’s Eve is a holiday celebrated on the evening of April 6, the night before the ending of Prohibition in the United States in 1933. It is a time to celebrate the freedom to drink beer and to enjoy the many different types of beer that are now available.

There are many ways to celebrate New Beer’s Eve. Here are a few ideas:

  • Visit a brewery or taproom. This is a great way to try a variety of beers from different breweries. Many breweries will have special events or tastings on New Beer’s Eve.
  • Have a beer tasting party with friends. Gather a group of friends and try a variety of beers. You can either buy beers from different breweries or brew your own.
  • Go to a bar or restaurant that has special beer deals. Many bars and restaurants will have specials on beer on New Beer’s Eve. This is a great way to try new beers without breaking the bank.
  • Have a cookout or barbecue. Beer pairs well with food, so why not celebrate New Beer’s Eve with a cookout or barbecue? You can grill up some burgers, hot dogs, or steaks and enjoy them with a cold beer.
  • Watch a baseball game. Baseball is a great American pastime, and it’s even better when you’re enjoying a cold beer. Many baseball stadiums have special beer deals on New Beer’s Eve.

No matter how you choose to celebrate New Beer’s Eve, make sure to enjoy the freedom to drink beer and to celebrate the end of Prohibition.

Here are some additional tips for celebrating New Beer’s Eve:

  • Be safe. Don’t drink and drive. Have a designated driver or call a cab.
  • Pace yourself. There’s no need to drink too much beer too quickly. Enjoy the taste of the beer and the company of your friends.
  • Have fun! New Beer’s Eve is a time to celebrate, so relax and enjoy yourself.

When is New Beer’s Eve?

New Beer’s Eve is celebrated each year on April 6th

How Many Days Until New Beer’s Eve?

2024/04/06 00:00:00

How Many Weeks Until New Beer’s Eve?

2024/04/06 00:00:00

New Beer’s Eve, a delightful and fun day to spend celebrating the freedom to choose to drink beer, or any type of alcoholic beverage.

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